
  • Quotes Feed

    Attract more traders through clear and transparent price feed that is being streamed on your corporate website.

  • Sentiment Indicator

    Add up value to your corporate website through a market sentiment indicator based on data collected from all your trading platforms.

  • Clientˈs Trading Stats

    Full account-related trading stats via our API is available for a trader in his private office on your website.

  • Spread Dynamics

    Spread dynamics available on your website flags up traders the competitiveness of your narrow spreads.

  • Quotes History

    Give your clients more freedom to test their trading strategies on past price feed data available for download on your website.

  • Push Notifications

    Select any trading account-related event e.g. any profit threshold, drawdown or balance level for a trader that we need to deliver with push notification in your messenger.

Email newsletter
Once a week we send publications about Brokerpilot and helpful analyses related to risk management in forex trading.