The Semaphores

In Brokerpilot we have special types of alerts that are absolutely crucial for the dealing status. These alerts are called semaphores and are displayed separately from other notifications due to their utmost importance. You can find them in the lower right corner of the screen of Brokerpilot as a big red circle with numbers.

These semaphores are designed to control the consistency of broker’s new rates flow and orders execution flow. If the price feed of a trading symbol is missing for a certain period of time or orders execution flow stops for some reason, the notification is generated. It’s a good reason to investigate the situation and maybe contact your Liquidity provider.

The notifications are separated into warnings and alerts. The difference here is in the intensity of the disturbance.

New rates control

In this trigger notification can be set to different symbols separately and of course for different timings. You can set different time intervals for the notifications during your day hours and night hours.

Orders execution control

Also you can set different time intervals for the notifications during your day hours and night hours. Additionally weekend settings are available for convenience.

20 Nov, 2023
The Semaphores