In the Risk Management functionality of Brokerpilot, there is a huge variety of settings. We strive to provide the most comprehensive real-time picture of the dealing desk possible. And the number of situations that can be tracked is truly immense.

As a brief example today we want to talk about a small trigger called "Rejected orders". Every 5 minutes, this trigger scans the error log of the MT4 trading server and identifies orders that were not processed by the trading server and therefore were not executed. The reasons for this can vary greatly, from simple internet connection issues to overloaded request queues. When such orders are detected, a notification is generated for the dealer.
It's worth noting that in addition to the current notifications list, the dealer can always access a full list of notifications for a specific trigger or event in Brokerpilot's "Issues History" and "Events History" sections. The obtained list can always be exported for analysis and further processing.
Regarding the "Rejected orders" trigger, the last described method of notifications handling will likely be more convenient for the dealer, as the notifications from the trigger itself may not have a very high priority in everyday operations.