As we have already mentioned several times before, Brokerpilot creates a copy of the trading platform's dealing and calculates everything separately from it. Essentially, it can be seen as a backup in case of any human errors or malfunctions. Regular checks are required to detect such errors.

One of these checks involves verifying the trader's account balance. The "Invalid Balances" trigger checks the account's status once a week based on the order history. If any discrepancy is found between the balance value in the trading platform and the calculated value, a notification is generated. In our practice, there have been many instances where dealers accidentally deleted several trades during manual checks of the account on the trading platform and simply forgot about it. Brokerpilot helps eliminate such situations.
Additionally, this trigger includes automatic account correction, where the incorrect value in the trading platform will be adjusted. If automatic correction is disabled in the settings, the balance can be corrected manually upon receiving a notification from the trigger.