Each trigger in Brokerpilot performs its own specific function, so you need to approach the settings very carefully to avoid false positives.
For example, the “Detect Sharp Deals” trigger was designed specifically to detect one of the rarest, but also the most dangerous types of cheating activity of the traders. This is when a trader has very few transactions, but they are all very profitable. For example, today a trader made only 3 deals, but all 3 trades each yielded a profit of $1500—2000.

The lifetime of these transactions can be several hours, they do not have to be short. The set of conditions can be, as always with Brokerpilot, very flexible. This trigger allows you to determine early enough those accounts that are controlled by, for example, market makers. They enter an uptrend at the very beginning, and close positions at the very peak.
A broker can protect himself from this type of trading only by transferring such accounts to A-Book as quickly as possible. And it is Brokerpilot, with proper setting of trigger conditions, that will help the broker do this in a timely manner.