All-in-One Convenience
Managing dealing operations in Brokerpilot includes a swap change in real or demo servers, dividends adjustments and symbol rollover. We bring all these functions together, allowing you to execute, monitor, and review operations without the need for multiple tools or platforms.
Intuitive Calendar Functionality
With Brokerpilot's integrated calendar feature, you have the power to plan and execute operations with precision. Whether it's a scheduled swap change or an immediate adjustment, the calendar empowers you to take control of your operations timeline effortlessly.

History Tracking
Transparency is key in the brokerage business. Brokerpilot ensures that you never lose sight of any operation. The platform maintains a comprehensive history of all changes made, including who within your team executed them.
Effortless Execution
Executing operations has never been easier. For example, with a simple upload of your csv-file containing swaps, you can swiftly verify and implement changes. For added security, Brokerpilot employs a smart alert system that highlights significant changes in red color, so you can easily identify any possible inconsistencies and mistakes.

In the competitive landscape of brokerage, managing dealing operations efficiently can make all the difference. Brokerpilot's all-in-one platform offers a comprehensive, intuitive, and accountable solution that empowers you to streamline your operations, optimize decision-making, and stay ahead in today's dynamic market.